Oblique Penholder Archive

Modern Penholders

(Currently Available, Click on the link to view)


The Ziller Oblique Holder

A simple yet classic penholder from one of the premier Penmanship/Calligraphy Companies


The Tysdal ‘Zanerian’ Style Oblique Holder

A fabulous modern 8" penholder based on the Zanerian style


The Sull Oblique Holder

Two wonderful penholders from Master Penman Michael Sull


Penholders from Paper and Ink Arts

Four versatile precision holders to fit any hand or need


The Lilly Oblique Penholder

Hand crafted holders from a Master Penman


The Buddy Blackwell Oblique Holder

*****Available Again*****

An innovative and versatile design


To view Vintage Penholders Click HERE

