Oblique Penholder Archive

Vintage Penholders

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Vintage Oscar Magnusson Holders

Arguably the most sought after vintage penholder ever made

Two Rare Ivory Inlaid Wooden Oblique Penholders


The Bullock Oblique Holder

An innovative and versatile nib holder


The Buddy Blackwell Oblique Holder

*****Available Again*****

An innovative and versatile design


Zanerian College Oblique Holders

Two vintage penholders sold through the Zanerian College


The following image is from the collection of Nick D’Aquanno and used with his permission.

Zanerian College 12” Oblique Holder

A 12” vintage penholder sold through the Zanerian College


The following images are from the collection of Don Tate and used with his permission.

Zanerian Excelsior Oblique Holders

Owned and Use by Louis Madarasz

Actual pens owned and used my the great Madarasz


The Skeels Oblique Holder

A unique curved pen staff design of the style preferred by Master Penman CV Howe


Oblique Holders owned and used by Master Penman

(Each page contains three images.)

WA Baird, FB Courtney, and EA Lupfer

WE Dennis, EF Richardson and EL Brown

PW Costello, DW Hoff and RR Reed

LH Hausam, HS Blanchard and C. Spencer Chambers


Vintage Penholder Ads

The Triangular Ransomerian Penholder (Ad Only)

The Gmeiner Contoured Penholder (Ad Only)

The Spencerian Oblique Penholder (Ad Only)

The King Oblique Penholder (Ad Only)

