The Gallery of Female Penmen

*Many of the Penmen portraits used were taken with permission from Michael R. Sull's Spencerian Script and Ornamental Penmanship. It is my hope to obtain scans of specimens from the following female penman. I will then post them in the Penmen Archive.

Simply click on a name to view specimens of their work.


Rosemary Buczek

Rosemary Buczek is one of the finest 'modern day' practitioners of the Art of Engrossing. She was recently inducted as a Master Penman at the IAMPETH 2001 convention in Kansas City. She is currently the President of IAMPETH for the 2001-2002 season. Click on her name to view a wonderful specimen of her work.


Mary L. Champion

There is not much biographical information available on Mary L. Champion. She attended the Zanerian College and graduated with a Certificate on August 2, 1920. She was also a penman on staff for the Capital City Commercial College in Des Moines, Iowa. She published an instructional book on Business penmanship entitled, "The Champion Method of Practical Business Writing" in 1921. The book was accredited for use in the Des Moines school system and colleges.


Paula Loya

Paula Loya was a wonderful engrosser and penman. Click on her name to view a wonderful specimen of her work.


Eileen (Broad) Richardson

 Eileen (Broad) Richardson, along with her husband Fred Richardson, were a founding members of the International Association of Master Penman, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting (IAMPETH). She attended and graduated from the Zanerian College with a certificate in 1941. While there she studied under EA Lupfer and Parker Zaner Bloser. In addition, she studied with JJ Bailey, Canada's most well known penman. Eileen was a wonderfully skilled penman. Click on her portrait to view a specimen of her Ornamental penmanship


Kathy Saunders

A wonderful illuminated specimen from another IAMPETH penman


Sara Spencer

Born on December 17, 1832, Sara was the eldest daughter of PR Spencer. She became her father's teaching assistant in the 1850's. In addition, she also taught in the first Spencerian College. Sara was superbly skilled in penmanship and was considered the finest female penman of her day.


Anna Stutt-Gittins

At one time her script was compared to that of Louis Madarasz. Click on her name to view specimens of her work.

